
The Master’s degree in Applied Chemistry of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Chemistry (PPGQA) – Academic Master’s, Focusing area: Chemistry, of the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) was approved in a meeting on November 5th, 2004, by the Technical-Scientific Council (CTC) of CAPES, which endorsed the report of the Area Commission and recommended a grade 3 concept.

In 2005 the activities initiated with the first selection of candidates in February and the classes in March. It comprised 17 teachers, being 13 of those from the Chemistry Department and 4 from the Physics Department.

Currently, the selection process occurs semesterly. For more information check the Public Edict section.

To check on our Faculty Members, open the Faculty Members section.

To the present day, the PPGA has concluded numerous dissertations (Check Dissertations for details) and counts with several regularly enrolled students.

The student body profile, both egresses and in formation, counts with scholars and professionals from the Technologic Federal University of Paraná (UTFPR); State University of Central-West Paraná (UNICENTRO), Superior Education Center of Campos Gerais (CESCAGE), UEPG, teachers from the State Education Network and egresses from the courses of Chemistry, Physics and Math (teaching degree) and from the bachelor in Chemistry course of UEPG.